Was sent this by a Catholic friend who knows of my previous life.
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
JW's & Freemasons - Anyone heard this one?
by The Fall Guy inwas sent this by a catholic friend who knows of my previous life.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttkqtp-ulwa.
Coping with a change of heart
by Strugglingrsa inafter 24 years of active service as a witness my marriage came to an end causing massive trauma.during this tragic life event for a period of approx 8 months i went haywire.
partying.smoking.i was disfellowshipped.i met a wonderful non witness along the way and am remarried.what i don't get is this.if an announcement was made that i am no longer a jehovahs witness then why does the bible principle in corinthians about not even greeting he who calls himself a brother still apply.
The Fall Guy
Welcome to the forum Strugglingrsa.
Many of us here have successfully dealt with similar circumstances to yours. You'll succeed.
When it comes to the org, remember Shrek's wise words - "Better out than in."
Chaos at Gatwick Airport
by The Fall Guy inhttps://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-sussex-46623754.
perhaps all major airports will eventually employ their own industrial sized drone, operated by a trained/authorised pilot who can track and pinpoint the nut-jobs who cause such disruption and possible catastrophe..
The Fall Guy
Perhaps all major airports will eventually employ their own industrial sized drone, operated by a trained/authorised pilot who can track and pinpoint the nut-jobs who cause such disruption and possible catastrophe.
Jehovah's Witnesses... Who sent the Star of Bethlehem?
by JW Answers injehovah's witnesses... who sent the star of bethlehem?.
the watchtower teach their followers that the star of bethlehem was sent by non other than satan... however as we take a look at the scriptures by comparing spiritual things with spiritual we begin to see that the star of bethlehem was not sent by satan, but used for the glory of god.a seasonal message to end the year.. watch now here :.
The Fall Guy
@ JW ANSWERS - here are some questions about the gospel of Matthew chapter 2 which you may like to address in light of your version of "truth": (Clue - the answers are in the verses)
1) Matthew 2:1 NKJV - "Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King, behold, wise men came from the east to Jerusalem."
Question: Where was Jesus born, but to where & whom did the sat-nav "star" first lead the magi, aka "the wise men"?
2) Matthew 2:3 NKJV - "When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him."
Question: Why would all Jerusalem be troubled? Deuteronomy 18:10-12 NKJV - “There shall not be found among you anyone who....interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or a spiritist...For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD."
3) Matthew 2:7 - "Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared."
Question: Why did Herod secretly call the wise men? (see Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
4) Matthew 2:9,11,13 - "...the star...came and stood over where the young Child was...And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child....“Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt,...for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.”
Question: Did the "wise men" ever see a baby in a manger?
So, by your reasoning, God took a group of men who were an abomination, and used a "star" to lead them straight to a man whose purpose was to kill the young Jesus - God's own son? Couldn't God just have led them directly to Bethlehem, and saved a mass slaughter of kids under 2 years of age being carried out?
Scripturally, that "star" resulted in three "birthday presents" being handed over - followed by enormous misery, terror, and grief - and your beliefs say that God caused it!
Are the G.B.members really good business people ?
by smiddy3 inif i was an author of a book i think i would be over the moon if i was guaranteed a sale of around 5 million or more books for my work.. the jehovah`s witnesses have over 8 million members plus relatives that are fringe dwellers who come to the memorial once a year ,.
so what a gold mine they have been sitting on as a publishing house .. why didn`t they keep publishing books for the faithful ,they could have even upped the price , and the faithful would have paid especially in prosperous country`s in the west.. they could have milked this venture for years to come as the faithful would have bought anything they would have published .. and their prophets (profits) would have soared ,literally and figuratively for many more years to come ..
The Fall Guy
Smiddy, you raise very relevant questions and points which have not yet been truthfully clarified by the org.
The cult had a goose which was laying golden eggs, but what has it been doing to that goose over recent years, and continuing to do so even more? Plucking it naked and carving it up - big time!
My belief and contention is unchanged - the WTBTS/CCoJW has been forced into this unprecedented financial "great tribulation" by Wall Street creditors who were quite willing to bankrupt the religion after 2008. The org's draconian cost-cutting measures (Printing, People, & Property) and money-grabbing scams cannot be dismissed with "making the best use of our resources."
The cult was on its death-bed, and sold its "soul" in order to keep living longer. I'll hold my hands up if/when evidence is produced which says otherwise.
Xmas, love it or leave it??
by DATA-DOG ini have to say that i’m not enjoying the xmas season.
i have no emotional ties and i’m spending money that i have not set aside for xmas during a slow work season for my trade.. i’m not happy about it, because it’s foolish to spend money when you aren’t making any.
then i feel like i’m expected to do all this, and to be happy about spending money and time on persons that i’m not that involved with.
The Fall Guy
Hey Data-Dog, you're not alone. When I was still an active JW, one of my closest friends (Catholic) said that he hated the whole Christmas charade and then said, half-joking half serious, "I wish I was a J.W."
Most nationalities and millions/billions of non-Christians and atheists "celebrate" a religious ritual which has no Biblical justification, but who cares, it's a feel-good party-time and a very brief period of escapism from the everyday/harsher realities of life before and after Christmas day. Bah, humbug!
Commercially, Christmas is the lifeblood of many businesses.
Child sexual abuse suspect arrested in T.O.
by Tahoe inhttps://www.vcstar.com/story/news/2018/12/13/child-sexual-abuse-suspect-arrested-t-o/2305199002/ .
a 69-year-old thousand oaks man facing multiple sexual abuse charges by the ventura county district attorney’s office was arrested last week, authorities said.. steven skyler abbott was arrested dec. 6 after months of investigation into the reported sexual abuse of two thousand oaks girls, according to the ventura county sheriff’s office.
in november, the ventura county district attorney’s office filed multiple felony sexual abuse charges against abbott, including two counts of continuous sexual abuse, one count of lewd acts upon a child and one count of forcible lewd acts upon a child.. he is also facing multiple felony enhancements and special allegations related to his charges.. the investigation began in september, when the sheriff’s agency received a report of suspected child crimes.. a 16-year-old victim alleged that she was sexually abused by abbott when she was between the ages of 5 and 11, sheriff’s officials said.. sexual assault unit detectives subsequently identified a second, 24-year-old victim who reported that abbott had abused her when she was between the ages of 3 and 7, authorities said.. the sheriff’s agency said the victims and their families had come into contact with abbott through the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses in newbury park.. investigators submitted their findings to prosecutors, who filed felony sexual abuse charges against abbot on nov. 16, officials said.. on nov. 28, an arrest warrant was issued for abbott.. the suspect was eventually arrested at his home on dec. 6 and booked into ventura county jail.
The Fall Guy
The following perverted logic of the WTBTS charlatans cannot be reasoned on, challenged or questioned by judicial committee elders:
If a JW paedophile denies raping a JW child and there are not two witnesses, you cannot do anything to him, so leave it in Jehovah's hands.
If two JW adults spend several hours under the same roof, but deny anything improper occurred, you can assume that fornication must have occurred. As such, hit them with both barrels. Two-witness rule not required here.
New Members since 2018
by Paul Bonanno innearly 2018 is over few more days to go.
it would be nice to know how many of you have joined or left the org during 2018?.
i would like to wish you all best wishes in your journey towards freedom.
The Fall Guy
Totally cut the cord in 2018. No more "cover" visits to the KH every few weeks/months. :)
Cart preaching question
by asp59 ini just wonder how the elders see the cart witnessing they always want to show co when he comes to visit how congregation covers the territory.
but there must be a great problem with that now as pioneers prefer sitting drinking coffee beside a cart.
The Fall Guy
C.O.'s and their wives must envy the pioneers' laid back ministry - no walking around for hours on end knocking on doors, getting no reply, getting abuse, or getting abject apathy.
@ smiddy - JW's should also be grateful to "Christendom" for providing them with the collated scriptures, (Bible) the marriage ceremony & its rituals & traditions, and last but not least, the wonderful "new light" that there is no such thing as the "evil slave." What a relief that must have been for the publishers!
"Are you the plumber?"
by Jourles ini've been debating whether or not to post this story simply because the org knows who i am (post history from pre-'05 will tell you all you need to know), and i'm not sure if they would give my parents shit if they knew what transpired earlier this summer.
but you know what, i don't care what they do, because my mom is dying of stage iv cancer and i feel this needs to be heard by anyone struggling with the loss of contact from their relatives.. for those who are not familiar with my background, i became a small thorn in the side of the wts while i was still in.
i'm not big on being deceived, and for me, the org crossed my personal 'red line' when it came to blood and the child abuse issue.
The Fall Guy
Jourles, your courage & experience and your mother's response is a defeat for the WTBTS's mind-control techniques.
Out of sight out of mind let's a parent who's shunning their child off the hook emotionally to a great extent, but when they're confronted by that lost child, the dark evil and inhumanity of the shunning & abandonment is overwhelmed by the greatest force in the world - love!
Parents who deny their parenthood when face-face with their offspring in such a situation, either consciously or sub-consciously must seriously detest what they have done, and continue to do.
I hope you can reunite with your mother soon.